Our number one priority is to help Ontario’s policing communities prosper. That’s why all of our charitable giving goes towards initiatives, events and organizations that specifically support you. Need help with an initiative you're working on?
Congratulations to all the winners at the Canada Beyond the Blue Champions of Change Gala and your efforts in supporting and championing mental health. It was an honour to attend and help support this group again this year.
Peter Giftakopoulos and Bess-Kominos Estrela were on hand to represent The Police Credit Union at this event of commemoration and observance.
We were also the sponsor of the evenings entertainment.
We had a blast at the DRPA golf tournament last week and held a fun Blue Jays draw at our hole.
Thanks to the Durham Regional Police Association for inviting us to attend and support once again this year.
Sweet pudding tootsie roll ice cream oat cake jelly tootsie roll. Donut fruitcake candy canes icing halvah. Candy cheesecake gingerbread marzipan muffin lemon drops cake lollipop donut.
Congratulations to our 2024 Police Credit Union scholarship winners Breanna Hinds, Kristen Armstrong, Mackenzie Russel, Sarah McIlhone, and Shannon Bayliss!
Every year The Police Credit Union gives out $1,000 towards five lucky second year college students who display great potential.
Thank you to all those who applied and best of luck in your studies this fall semester to the winners.
The Police Credit Union is a proud supporter of the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation.
The Police Credit Union offers scholarships for children and grandchildren of our members.
We take great pride in supporting our policing communities. Do you have an event or function that needs support?