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Financial Checkup

Have You Completed Your Annual Financial Checkup?


A series of questions that a Financial Service Officer (FSO) will review with you to look at ways to help you realize your financial goals and put a plan in place to accurately reflect any life event changes.

A Financial Checkup can be completed in person or over the telephone in as little as 30 minutes! It is a great opportunity to put a plan in place! It may be as simple as finding ways to save money, understanding where your money goes, and finding ways to get more out of your investments or consolidating debt making life more manageable.

What is a Financial Checkup?


Why A Financial Checkup?


Did you change jobs, receive a promotion? Did you buy or sell your home or another property? Is your car starting to make strange sounds or has it been in the shop one to many times? Have you had any major life changes like a marriage/re-marriage or divorce?

Any of these life events could have a substantial impact on your current savings, financial goals, and income needs. That is why an Annual Financial Checkup is a great time to review your current expenses, savings, and financial goals.

Financial Planning involves focusing on key areas such as Retirement Planning, Investment Planning, Cash Flow and Budgeting, Insurance, Estate Planning, and Taxation. It is a more in-depth approach to your overall financial wellbeing and involves a longer-term focus on the future.

A Financial Checkup is a general overview of a financial plan and should be reviewed on an annual basis to keep you up to date with your current intentions and on target for your short and long-term goals.

Financial Checkup vs. Financial Planning


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